To make cement walls ready for painting. Renders are a combination of stucco (gypsum powder) with some specific additives. Have waterproofing and fire proofing properties.
ULTRA from Gypelite are special purpose single layer renders which can be hand applied to get a thickness of 3 to 6mm.
General Features
- Cost efficient.
- Easy to use
- Less time consumption.
- High adhesion.
- Reduced heat loss through the wall.
Hand Application
Always follow mixing instructions.
Ultra plus offers you a flexible thickness within a small surface area of your wall. Thickness from 5 – 30mm.
General Features
- Cost efficient.
- Easy to use.
- Less time consumption.
- High adhesion.
- Improved workability.
- Thickness range from 5 to 30 mm.
Hand Application
Always follow mixing instructions.
For large area applications using plastering machines. Gypelite Machine Renders are designed to handle more weight. Suitable to apply a consistent thickness over a large area. Thickness range starts from 6mm.
General Features
- Cost efficient.
- Easy to use.
- High adhesion.
- Large Coverage.
- Consistency.
Machine Application
Always follow mixing instructions.